Expertise of Some Reviewer

Together with your bids, this information will be used to calculate a proposal for the assignment of papers.
Meaning of Expertise --> X: Expert; Y: Knowledgable; Z: Informed outsider
TopicExpertise Would you like to review papers on this topic?
1. Analysis and design methods X   Y   Z   Yes   Rather not   Absolutely not
2. Components and frameworks X   Y   Z   Yes   Rather not   Absolutely not
3. Distributed, mobile, parallel, and
real-time systems
X   Y   Z   Yes   Rather not   Absolutely not
4. E-commerce and workflow applications X   Y   Z   Yes   Rather not   Absolutely not
5. Language design and implementation X   Y   Z   Yes   Rather not   Absolutely not
6. Object databases and persistence X   Y   Z   Yes   Rather not   Absolutely not
7. Objects in human-computer interaction X   Y   Z   Yes   Rather not   Absolutely not
8. Object testing and metrics X   Y   Z   Yes   Rather not   Absolutely not
9. Patterns and software architecture X   Y   Z   Yes   Rather not   Absolutely not
10. Programming environments X   Y   Z   Yes   Rather not   Absolutely not
11. Reflection/metaobjects, separation of
concern, and aspect-orientation
X   Y   Z   Yes   Rather not   Absolutely not
12. Software engineering and its practices X   Y   Z   Yes   Rather not   Absolutely not
13. Theoretical foundations and formal
methods, e.g., types, security, encapsulation
X   Y   Z   Yes   Rather not   Absolutely not
14. New OO Internet infrastructures, e.g.,
web services, peer-to-peer, and Grid
X   Y   Z   Yes   Rather not   Absolutely not

In case of problems, please contact Richard van de Stadt.
CyberChairPRO Copyright © by Richard van de Stadt  (Borbala Online Conference Services)